Name | Description |
Birth Year | Indicates the year of birth of an individual. |
Age | Indicates the age of an individual. |
Political Party |
Indicates an individual's political party.
Business Owner |
Indicates that an individual self-identified as a business owner.
Gender |
Indicates gender of an individual.
Occupation |
Indicates an individual's occupation.
Birth_Month |
Name | Description |
Heritage |
Indicates an individual's background.
Religion |
Indicates an individual’s religion.
Name | Description |
Market Value Range |
Indicates the market value of the home within a range.
Home Owner |
Indicates if the home is owner occupied or if the resident is a renter.
Name | Description |
Census Zip Median Household Income | Indicates the median household income for zip. |
Census Zip Median Household Income City Rank | Indicates the median household income for zip over city. |
Census Zip Median Household Income County Rank | Indicates the median household income for zip over county. |
Census Zip Median Household Income State Rank | Indicates the median household income for zip over state. |
Census Zip Median Household Income Country Rank | Indicates the median household income for zip over country. |
Census City Median Household Income | Indicates the median household income for city. |
Census City Median Household Income County Rank | Indicates the median household income for city over county. |
Census City Median Household Income State Rank | Indicates the median household income for city over state. |
Census City Median Household Income Country Rank | Indicates the median household income for city over country. |
Census County Median Household Income | Indicates the median household income for county. |
Census County Median Household Income State Rank | Indicates the median household income for county over state. |
Census County Median Household Income Country Rank | Indicates the median household income for county over country. |
Census State Median Household Income | Indicates the median household income for state. |
Census State Median Household Income Country Rank | Indicates the median household income for state over country. |
Census Zip | Indicates the zip code used to identify match. |
Census Zip Count | Indicates count of total zip codes. |
Census Zip City Name | Indicates city name of zip. |
Census Zip City Count | Indicates count of zips in city. |
Census Zip County FIPS | Indicates county FIPS of zip |
Census Zip County Name | Indicates county name of zip. |
Census Zip County Count | Indicates count of zips in county. |
Census Zip State Code | Indicates state code of zip. |
Census Zip State Count | Indicates count of zips in state. |
Name | Description |
Forbes 2017 Rank | 2017 zip rank. |
Forbes Zip | Zip code used to identify match to Forbes data. |
Forbes Median Market Value | 2017 median market value. |
Forbes Median Days On Market | 2017 median number of days a property was on the market. |
Forbes Median Inventory | 2017 median number of houses for sale. |
Forbes 2016 Rank | 2016 zip rank. |
Forbes Rank Change | 2016 to 2017 rank change. |
Name | Description |
Major Giving Decile | A model that predicts the likelihood of donors giving a Major gift. The higher the decile, the more likely an individual is a qualified Major Giving prospect. |
Midlevel Giving Decile | A model that predicts the likelihood of donors giving a Midlevel gift. The higher the decile, the more likely an individual is a qualified Midlevel Giving prospect. |
Planned Giving Decile | A model that predicts the likelihood of donors giving a Planned gift. The higher the score, the more likely an individual is a qualified Planned Giving prospect. |
Name | Description |
Income Decile |
Indicates the household income within a range.
Net Worth Decile |
Indicates the household net worth within a range.
Married |
Indicates if anyone in the household is married.
Presence Of Children |
Indicates a household's known presence of children (0-17).