Data Enhancement Supports Your Organization’s Fundraising Strategies Segment Lists for Written Solicitations and Appeals Choose from a catalog of attributes…
Start the new year off right Before you start this year’s fundraising push, make sure you have the most up…
Most data appending services don’t let you preview match rates before you purchase Unlike other data appending services, TrueAppend doesn’t…
Use data enhancement to create relevant messaging Use data enhancement to segment your database based on specific attributes such as…
Use TrueAppend’s data append and enhancement services to create relevant messaging Segmenting your database based on specific attributes such as…
Most data append service providers use a single data source for the data appends they provide. TrueAppend is different. Rather…
Data Appends Support Your Organization’s Fundraising Strategies Segment Lists with a data append for Written Solicitations and Appeals Choose from…
Use a data append to create relevant messaging Segmenting your database with a data append based on specific attributes such…
Get your year-end campaign off to the right start Before you start your year-end fundraising push, make sure you have…
TrueAppend makes it easier than ever to learn about your donors, customers or prospects Missing data on your donor or…